the Quick and Dirty Design Cycle Workshop–Echo Chi

We watched the video of Rudi. We found that he faced several problems about mobile phones in his daily life. He thought he spent too much time on it and hence wasted his time to accompany with family and do his works.

So my group partners and I designed an app for Rudi.  There are four stages of this app. The first one is a warning. When Rudi has used his mobile phone for a bit long time. The second one is that the phone will get hotter. The third one is that the phone needs more time to reaction and the final stage is shutting down.

These are all aimed to warn Rudi that he is using his mobile phone for a long time and need to rest for a while or put down it.

I remembered that one professor raised a question that what if the second stage happens when Rudi is on the subway and when the phone is hot, he can put the phone on the table and continue using it.

This workshop helps me have a propaedeutic command of design. It is designed for the users and should combine appearance and functions.

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