Empathy Peer design Workshop/ Exercise _ Kalkidan Fikadu

In this workshop, I with my teammate built an object using Lego bricks. Then both me and my teammate closed our eyes, and I walked him through the lego re-creation process, by touching the already build lego object with my hands and guessing what kind of components it’s made of. According to the information I received from me, my teammate made an effort to construct the lego. However, trying to figure out each lego bricks that made my object, I took apart the object, and the object no-longer had its original shape or structure. Because of that, we had to restart the process of co-creation again. The step-back had made me realize how hard communication can be unless we learn to understand each other. In the second round, we were able to create mutual understanding and, learn from our previous mistakes and create a lego object that somewhat looked similar.

my peer and I also exchanged our final project ideas and tried to question, come up with more ideas for each other’s project.

Here are some of the ideas suggested by me based on research I did in class.

–  Making it a multi-purpose tool

      –  Similar to Stylus Pens – 2 in 1 Touch Screen & Writing Pen (Amazon

– How do we charge the pen

       1.   Pen stand 

       2.   Friction  https://www.technologyreview.com/s/507386/how-friction-may-someday-charge-your-cell-phone/

         this inspires users to write more.

       3. The pen is pluggable  

       4. small plug that can be connected with a power outlet 

Design Questions : 

  • Does it work with ink?  How can it be refilled when the ink is out 
  • Can you make the pen measure high productivity by just moving it continuously, without writing? 

More Ideas 

  • Users can change what color they find attractive instead of setting it by default ( for instance I prefer black) 
  • Connecting it with an app that measures productivity over a long period of time

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