Class Workshop reflection 3: 6 Hats Workshop _Kalkidan Fikadu

In this workshop, the class was divided into 6 groups to implement parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive and focused. The problem statement for this workshop was getting our user, in this case, Eric Parren to start meditating regularly. The first group repressed by a white hat, calls for the facts and just the facts. The second group represented by the yellow hat symbolized optimism, the third hat which was black played the devil’s advocate, the green hat focused on creativity and possibilities, the red hat provided the pros and cons of the solution presented by the green hat and the blue was used to manage the thinking process. The group I was part of was assigned to be the blue hat, using a creative thinking process we came up with a solution we thought would encourage our user to meditate on a regular basis. According to the information we were given, our user didn’t have a fixed schedule. Hence this inconsistency created a gap for improvement. We recommended our user to develop a fixed schedule that can be followed through each and every day.

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