Reading Response (due class 4) /Gabriela N./

I think that all of the three readings assigned for this week provide an excellent introduction to the complexity of the design process. In her piece about mapping out design research,  Liz Sanders’ divides each map into four parts: Design Led, Expert Mindset, Participatory Mindset, and Research-Led. This reading provides a clear explanation of how complex design is and introduces many different kinds of design. As most people view design as an abstract and rather undefined process, this reading serves as an eye-opener as to how many kinds of design there are out there. I think that Liz’s mapping practice can be useful and applicable to many other fields (not necessarily design-related) as her method of presenting information is particularly clear and easy to understand. In fact, her article about an evolving map of design could be considered as an example of good design. Richard Buchanan’s and Jasper Liu’s articles both refer to the Design Thinking process. While Jasper’s article describes the iterative Design Thinking process, Buchanan’s article provided more context as to what is Design Thinking. I think that these two readings describe the ideas of the very clearly. After reading the articles, I understand that Design Thinking is an iterative process which should include a diverse team which uses empathy to design different products and services. The Design Thinking process can be applied to any disciple as it utilizes design tools and techniques which help a team communicate and plan better. I really appreciate the definition of design provided by Richard Buchanan in which he describes the design as: “communication, construction, strategic planning, and systemic integration” (Buchanan, 20). I think that his message is essential as it clearly explains that an excellent design will rarely be a product of a linear process and of a homogenous team. Based on my internship, work experiences and conversations with peers, I see that the articles assigned for this week could be beneficial in many companies which still use inefficient design processes without fully understanding that a design process does not need to be undefined and disorganized. 

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