Final Project Idea /Gabriela Naumnik/

Female suits – where to find them and why don’t they fit well?
Women cannot easily find female suits in stores. Based on many conversations I had with not only my friends but also females I met at different events and women older than me, I see that there is one recurring topic: where are all the fancy and professional female suits? Women want suits they can wear every day as well as suits they can wear to more professional events. However, very few stores offer them and if they do, sizing is often not well-adjusted so that clothes look shapeless. Men have the luxury of being able to go to a suit a store where they can get a tailor to adjust the sizing momentarily. There are no such stores for women.

An app I would use and want to design:
I am definitely not able to create a new brand which would become the next major player in the female clothing industry because at this point in time achieving scale is a barrier to entry. However, what I can do is design an app which would allow professional women to share their female suits inspirations (I would certainly post a bunch of photos of Blake Lively’s from a movie called “A Simple Favor”). My app would not be an online store. Its goal would be to provide inspiration for designers and major brands. Different brands could see which suits suggestions were upvoted by women on the app and choose to design them. Also, women could post their sketches of suits they want or use an in-app outfit assembling function to suggest what they are looking for. Ideally, the app’s users could receive a commission if their suit design was chosen by a brand registered on the platform. The brand could also post some suit designs to check how many upvotes they would have. In the long-run, I would imagine an app like this to be the major source of dialogue between companies and working women so that they could easily suggest and buy the suits they desire.

My goal: an app for working women who want to communicate to designers what kind of female suits they wish to see in stores.

The app: the mobile application would not resemble anything I am currently familiar with. Ideally, it would make profit sharing between women and brands possible, maybe thanks to blockchain.

Design aspects: Commercial Agenda + Problem Solving + Persuasive Design

Inspirations (and dreams): 


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