Unconventional Design Readings – Bonnie Chan

There’s been so much controversy about the design process and its usage by designers versus other individuals. Through these readings, I can see how individuals design and the level of cooperativeness and inspirational methods. The maps introduced were an interesting way to describe and visualize the different mixed pairings of traits that are possible to create different types of designers. As well as focusing on user centered design or human factors that are crucial to helping designers understand how to create new designs. 

Not only do we focus on the designers themselves but also the different types of designs. Wicked Problems in Design Thinking talks about the mix of different design industries. The idea that categories of design are not always that clear cut and that types of design as well as different types of designers often mix to create new combinations.  I thought this was a good insight into the controversy and perspective into understanding why the design process can be crucial or overlooked.

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