Quick Dirty Design Cycle – Bonnie Chan

User: Tristan (23) IMA Research Fellow


Based on the video of Tristan’s video, we learned about his phone using habits as well as other problems that he has during his daily life. He has two phones, his US and China phones, that does not seem to hinder him. Also, since he doesn’t spend a lot of time on his phone, there were not a lot of technology based problems that needed to be solved. He spends most of his time on his phone listening to music or watching things.


Through the sticky note brainstorm, we were able to find  one larger problem that we thought we could help solve is problems with his phone case. His phone case had a stand that he often uses to watch videos with, but since the side of his phone is pressed against the table he has no way of easily accessing the buttons on the side of his phone. 


To help solve this problem, we brainstormed a couple of ideas that would be possible. We thought about creating a phone case with a swinging phone stand that would keep the phone off the table, or a different type of phone stand to attach to his phone case. Here are some sketches we made: 

Finishing Results:

At last, we decided on a phone case that can be sculpted by the user in order to provide a flexible phone stand as well as use a material similar to clay or slime that would allow easy access to the buttons on his phone.  


I thought that our final product was a creative one that may be hard to achieve from a realistic or business stand point. However, I also did think that the design process that we had undergone was one that was helpful. I think having our group go through it so quickly was something that allowed me and my group mates to come up with a variety of ideas that would not be possible if everything was well thought out and planned.

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