IML: Week 6 Midterm Idea – Thomas Tai

Midterm Project – ML Flappy bird


For my midterm project, I want to make a more complete game using the ML5.js posenet library. I really enjoy experimenting with new input methods, and I think there are many possibilities that can be paired with this model alone.  Using PoseNet’s facial mapping feature, I hope to create a more natural and intuitive way to interact with a game. I want to recreate flappy bird in 2D or 3D; instead of tapping the screen the user will control avoid obstacles by bobbing up and down. If I have enough time, I will use the three.js library as recommended by moon to make the game in first person or add multiplayer capability. I chose this game because it has simple controls, uses few computer resources, and is easy to recreate with javascript. I believe there is potential for games to include more natural input in the future as machine learning gets better. 

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