Week 3: Response to Scatturo – Hope Myers

Technological advances have allowed us to keep up with the increasing demand for fashion and new innovations in tech have even lead to new demands. Actually sustainable fashion is hard to achieve, there are a lot more organic cotton farmers now but it takes so much more land to grow that it may not even be much more sustainable than regular cotton. GM crops have the potential to be more sustainable but like we saw in the movie the true cost the big companies like Monsanto that have patented all the crops only care about profit and end up ripping off the smaller farmers leading to continued unsustainable farming methods.

A lot of people see technology as detrimental but really it just needs to be more structured and governments need to have good policies in place that force the technology to be used in ethical and sustainable ways. One of the things we have been talking about in my economics class is how people choose the cheapest option between natural resources, labor, and capital, but once we start to lack any of these things we turn to technology to increase productivity. We haven’t run out of natural resources or labor yet so nobody is extremely motivated to create more sustainable technology. Some of the big companies have created some but with no real competition there’s nobody to push them to innovate further. Scatturo advocated for fibre recycling tech to become open source so it’s also accessible to smaller manufacturers, not only would this allow everyone to start with the basic recycling tech, it would also push the innovation that we need to improve.

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