Week 4: Response to Eileen Fisher – Dominick

I really liked this article for the way that it highlighted how companies can act in both small and large ways to produce a more socially conscious company. Whether it was going through several experimental iterations to make their dying process more sustainable and use less harmful chemicals, or something as significantly smaller, and less costly, as revamping their headquarters to use less energy in lighting and implementing solar panels. Becoming sustainable tends to be a scary thought for companies due to the costs associated. Yet, I believe Eileen Fisher’s story helps companies understand that you don’t necessarily have to start with steps as big as massive process changes in your production phase, you can start by reducing the energy used in your offices through the use of solar panels (which will in the long run save you lots of $$$)!!! Being sustainable shouldn’t be scary, it can be a process that starts small and works its way through your company when plausible. 

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