Week 2: Response to Pink and Morgan – Dominick

Although the ethnographic research that I have done in my previous ethnographic related course have focused primarily on long term ethnographic research that takes course over several months to years, I really appreciated Pink and Morgan’s approach to short-term ethnography or rapid ethnography. Although these short term ethnographies don’t allow the researchers to understand certain nuances that are found in long term ethnography, they definitely have their uses. In terms of David Millen’s Rapid Ethnography, The practice of focusing on specific details can effectively allow for the development of empathy and acknowledge assumptions. These practices can be very beneficial in several situations, including the preliminary phase of long term ethnographic research. With an intense experience within an ethnographic zone, speculation off-site and digging into specific details can efficiently allow researchers to understand the position of those involved in the ethnographic zone. I believe this practice can effectively assist long term studies, in which researchers may forget the importance of certain ideas as they become comfortable within the ethnographic zone.

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