Ethnographic Visit

Before going to the Notions Market, I had pre conceived notions that this was going to be a place similar to the fake market, full of chaos and an a abundant amount of people. However, it was the complete opposite. It was not filled, at all and mainly a place where business owners acted as care givers rather than seeing any form of product. We figured we would see young potential business owners whom would buy products and take advantage of the product, however there was none of this. We examined the first floor and did not see much, where as when we came across the second floor we observed how there was not much going on and just really business owner to business owner speaking and sharing. However, we did see three foreigners come to the market and examine the products at hand. They however, did not do much. This all came to be a space where we realized that much did not exist, but elder owners who used this space as a community gathering rather than a area to sell products.  

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