Assignment3: Second Synth (Phyllis)

Here is the link to my gist.


I started with experimenting with the first synth we created in class, planning to use it to generate the main melody. I had a vague idea of making the melody a bit vacant but still lively, so I chose relatively low-pitch notes and experimented their sequences in the SEQUENCER module. I set “steps” to 30 and “pulse” to 1/16 so that the melody sounds more energetic. Then  I basically played around with more parameters such as frequency, offset, feedback and so on to enrich the sound a bit more.

After figuring out what combination fits my idea the best, I started building the second patch and wanted it to somehow serve as the base of the melody. It should not generate too many melodic sounds but rather offer some “noisy,” “rhythmed” effect. I experimented with some new modules which were not covered in class, and tried to understand them by trying little by little. I adjusted the two synthesizers’ beats in case either of them would stand out too much in the final result. After working the second patch out, I mixed the two synthesizers together and did some final adjustments to make the sound more coherent.


It’s a good start for us to experiment with different modules, however, I still find myself do not fully understand all the modules/parameters I’ve been working on. As a result, sometimes the outcome I get is still a bit “random” rather than well-planned and thoughtful. Hope to improve more on understanding them better!

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