RAPS | Reading Response 1 – Synesthesia | Yutong Lin

I found this VR performance piece by Kaitlyn Hova What’s It Like To Hear Colors? – A VR 360° Synesthesia Experience, in which she plays the violin while showing the color that she sees when hearing the music. In this way, she visualizes her experience that is very unique and personal to her. Moreover, she chooses to adopt VR as her creative formate to make it more immersive and empathetic to a wider audience.

Her synesthesia is that when she hears music, the notes prove a color in her mind. This kind of synesthesia is characterized as photisms, which is defined as ”colored hearing,” “in which spoken words, letters, numbers, voices, or sounds activate visual impressions like color s and/ or figures” (Emrich et al. 415). The cause of the phenomenon can be linked with different hypotheses and the way the brain process sensory information.      

I think her way of constructing the experience is quite powerful, the content and its form get along well together. The narration of her experience helps to contextualize the performance well. And, the beautiful landscape and natural view of the shooting location resonate with the glittery color indications of the notes.     


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