Reading Response VJing —— Thea (Sang)

The term VJ is the acronym for “video jockey”, describing “video performance” artists who create live visuals. (106) I think the term “video jockey” is quite vivid, it demonstrates the ability of VJ to select, edit, performance and control videos. But VJing is not merely based on videos, essentially, it is an interactive art form. On the one hand, VJing tightly connects with fine arts such as performance arts (106) and cannot be separated from the music as it has developed in deep entwinement with DJing (111). On the other hand, VJing emphasizes a lot of interaction with audiences. According to Erika Fischer-Lichte’s definition, “liveness is the bodily co-presence of actors and spectators” (107). VJIng is such a live performance based on improvisation. There cannot exist two VJIing are completely the same, or in other words, VJing can never repeat as different viewer response will lead to different performance results. The “liveness” differentiates VJing from other visual performances such as playing complete video clips or performing with the fixed script (108). VJing just means dynamic, free, unique and impromptu.

Personally, VJing is an impressive and passionate art form. However, the appearance of “Visual Wallpaper” demonstrates the current situation of VJ. It points out one serious problem that VJing always dominates the attention of audiences, and other light or music are marginalized. Thus, the host and other musicians, as well as the audience, become dissatisfied with VJ. I think Bernard is correct, visuals should be inserted into the experience as a whole clubs and concerts, instead of overshadowing the music (113). VJing should co-exist harmoniously with other musicians. The roles of VJs are never telling a complex story but creating a great atmosphere for other artists and audiences.


Recently, VJs not only work in clubs or live houses but also appeared at many traditional vocal concerts. I attended the vocal concert of Mayday a few days ago. As an audience, I was not only influenced by the songs but was also touched and moved by the visual performance. In the huge LED screen, the video changed the view continuously from singers to audiences and causes to high emotion of audiences over and over again. Besides, with the change of the emotion of songs, the overall video demonstrated different colors and filters. It can be said that the VJing in music content further helps to create a great atmosphere and aroused audiences’ emotions as well as stressed the dominant position of music.

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