RAPS Reading Response 6: Graphic Scores – Kyle Brueggemann

Our group which consists of Gabe, Celine and myself created our graphic score on an iPad using the program ProCreate. Our visual score is meant to represent the essence of water as well as capture the overall aesthetic impact of our performance.


Our score is meant to be followed from left to right, allowing the eyes to travel up and down to see the different elements.


There are many visual components to our visual score. The main musical bars represent the audio synthesizers that will play in the background during the entire performance. The notes along these musical bars are meant to represent the input of sounds that we control in real-time during the performance.


Another main element of our graphic score is the flowing trails of purple and blue. This is meant to represent the evolution of our sound as well as its flowing essence that envelopes the entire performance. The usage of the colors blue and purple are meant to evoke the feelings that one experiences when relaxing near bodies of water.


Some more elements in our graphic score include the black and white circles which show large bursts in sound, which we intend to incorporate through different midi keyboards. The change of color that occurs across the graphic score is intended to represent the evolution of the music’s mood over time.

The final element is the swirly purple line at the end, which is meant to show a divide between the busy and simple elements of our score. This shows the divide between our main background sound and the additional sounds we plan to add later on.

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