RAPS Assignment 5: Multi 5D Objects

3D Model


For the most recent assignment, I wanted to create a very stimulating and exciting environment that utilizes 3d models but also allows them to blend together with the Vizzie effects and generators. I took the max patch that I had created following the in-class instruction and did a few modifications to accompany the 3d model, then I searched for the most appropriate one given my vision. I found a really cool model that shows a lady suspended, surrounded by a bunch of furniture on the website SketchFab. The link for this model can be found above. I had a few issues with incorporating the model, but that was due to my jit’s not all being under the same name. Once I figured out this issue, I was able to incorporate the model under the jit.gl.model.

My next step was to play with the different values in order to find the right scaling, speed, and dimensions that I want to display the model at. After a lot of fiddling with values, I decided to have a very up and close perspective and set the model in a disorienting, spinning position in order to allow the user to feel like they are swirling around with the floating furniture.

The next step was to add character to the model and add an extra touch to the visuals. I decided to add an ever-changing gradient to the model by adding the husalir effect, which I have controlled by a twiddlr. Then, in order to add a texture to the model and patch background, I added the 3dpatternmappr, which I have set in constant motion with an attractr, this texture created by the patternmappr is sent through the kaleidr, and then combined with the 3d model in an oper8r. This allows the texture to be applied to my model and background. I sent the final output through a delayr to smooth things out a bit before I send it to the projectr.

I was happy with my result, as it is a disorienting journey around and through the complex model accompanied by a rainbow kaleidoscope of textures.

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