RAPS Assignment 3: Second Synth – Kyle Brueggemann


In order to create a second synthesizer that I would then mix with the original one, I first heavily experimented with the different BEAP modules in order to accurately figure out how to connect the different modules effectively and understand the effects they had on the sounds I wished to produce.

I ended up using the sequencer to start off my synthesizer. I then fed the sequencer into a wavetable which gave it a unique video game style sound. I then combined this sound in an audio mixer along with a hand clap trigger. I used a  pulse designer to cause the hand clap to trigger at certain beats. Once I had these two audios mixed, I then added the diode ladder object, which allowed me to filter the sound. Then, I added the triple morphing filter, which allowed me to again filter the sound. I then added the harmonic level control, which I am still not quite sure what exact effect it has. My final effect was the chorus object, which added a dimensional feel to the sound and caused it to reverberate in a beautiful way. I then took the output of my oscillator, mixer, filter, level control, and effect and combined it in the audio mixer before sending the output into the stereo.

While I still have a lot to learn in regards to what all the different BEAP modules do, this exercise was a great start in my comprehension of Max’s different features. My final audio output sounds like 8-bit haunted house music, but  I’m okay with that.

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