Reading response8: live cinema (Katie)

Both VJ and live cinema are a kind of audio visual performance or visual music that emphasise “liveness”. The differences between VJ and live cinema can be seen in three approaches. The difference in audience’s participation and content.

For live cinema, as Ganriel Menotti and Ana Carvalho mentioned is “in a setting such as a museum or theater. The public, instead of being absently lost amid multiple projections, is often “sitting down and watching the performance attentively” (85). While VJ “stuck in nightclubs and treated as wallpaper” (89). So there’s a huge difference in how audience interact with the performance between live cinema and VJ. In terms of content, live cinema often has specific content. The idea of live cinema can be “characterised by story telling” (87) in the cinema context, while VJ often act as wallpapers in club context.

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