Raps assignment3 (Parren)—Katie

This is the link of my patch:


The first thing to do is to create another sequence follow the order of Oscillator(s) -> (Mixer ->) Filter(s) -> Level Control -> Effect(s). Then mix the two sequence together by an audio mixer and then put a stereo to let it sound out.  After connecting all the modules, the next step is to modify the sound. I want to create an audio that is magic, enchanted and mysterious, something that can be used in the harry potter movie. I first try to adjust the tone color.  I mute all the modules except the  first Oscillator. The diagram on the top left corner is right for me. The diagram on the bottom sounds very electronic which I don’t want. Also the HPF filter makes the sound electronic no matter how I modify the rotary knob. And the comb filter makes the sound sounds like machine gun, which is not what I want, too. Finally I found that the classroom filter’s lowpass function fits my audio. Then I added a little delay to create the mysterious atmosphere. 

The next step is to create the melody and the rhythm. I choose the 1/16 dotted for the main melody and the 1/8 dotted for the accompanying music. and the melody is not too low or too high with a certain flow.

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