RAPS Assignment 3: Double Synthesizers – Celine Yu

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For this third assignment, the class continued its journey into the Max application and started to work with  audio components through the usage of  ‘Beep.’  I was told to create 2 separate synthesizers, one pertained from class and the other, an original. Out of all of the sections we’ve completed up till now, I would have to say that Beap was the most difficult to work with and get the hang of. 


I experimented around a lot with various aspects of Beap on the second synthesizer before mixing it with the original. There were so many components under each of the required categories (Mixer, Level, Filter, Effect),  that I honestly felt quite overwhelmed in the beginning phases. It was frustrating when I was anticipating a result but was given something entirely different. Nonetheless, I am still quite satisfied with the end results of the assignment.

I re-used the sequencer as an input, identical to the first synthesizer on the left. Following, I used the same two oscillators for the track,  but instead of using the top-right and top-left corner options, I opted for the top-right as well as top-left choices, which I believe are the sine and triangle effects. I mixed the two with an audio mixer and attached them to an HPF for further distortion of the audio. 

Afterward, I connected an Xfade component to both outputs of the sequencers and delayed its results through a smooth delay instead of the feedback delay found in Synthesizer 1. I finally mixed the two audios through another audio mixer to combine synthesizer 1 and 2 for the end results that were released through a final stereo component. 

In the end, I ended up with very distorted and warped audio that strangely resembled a video sequence which I find to be quite common in the products I’ve created in the course. I wish that I could have made the combination of the two synthesizers even more congruent and flattering to one another, but due to my unfamiliarity and amateurish understandings of the medium, I was not able to produce such results. 

Screen Recording of Assignment

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