Midterm Project: Graphic Score – Celine Yu

Graphic Score: 


My group members (Gabriel/Kyle) and I created our design digitally through a visual design application known as ProCreate. Since the three of us were already well aware of the genre as well as stylistic aspects of our intended music, creating the graphic score was a fun experience.

The musical bars in the background of the graphic score represent the use of different synthesizers, acting as the backbones for our realtime audiovisual performance. The color scheme chosen for the graphic score is also closely related to the mediums we plan to incorporate into our performance. The different shades of blue and purple used within the score represent the usage of our star act: water.

Furthermore, as we analyze the graphic score, it is crucial to note the evolving sense of imagery that progresses from a flowing liquid form to a strong staccato presence on the right. The gradual darkening of the shades and hues are utilized to reflect the actual progression of our musical symphonies, slowly increasing in both intensity and volume. 

Near the right of the graphic score is a clear black line that separates the chaos on the left from the lone and peaceful imagery on the right. This final aspect of the graphic score is the moment in which our musial score abruptly returns from an intensified score to that of a calm and simple melody. 

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