Reading Response 4 – Chenlan Yao (Ellen)

It is hard to tell whether Wilfred is a scientist or an artist. As the first person to fount the concept of Lumia, he put his heart and soul into Clavilux, and showed great talent and unique understanding of dealing with light. His work offers a new style and form of art, which replace the original art materials with something advanced. At the same time, Lumia creates inspiration for other artists, especially those famous ones, like Dreier who also share Wilfred’s work with Duchamp. In the video of LUMIA, Wilfred is commented as having eager to create something long-lasting and permanent. Wilfred’s work is avant-garde while having great impact on the art world.

In an artistic way, Wilfred is trying to question the essential truths of the broader universe. His idea mainly came from lights in nature – the sunlight and its impact on people. I personally think that Wilfred is trying to develop and express his feeling about the scientific world in an artistic form. The artwork is only the final consequence of his scientific research, which is presented in a concrete and visualized way. The process of his artwork is simple, as at each level of his development (from Clavilux junior to future generations), are simply using the same standard components – lightbulbs, motors, color recorder and reflective materials, with which he creates interactive art devices that convey his understanding about light and nature. Thus, he is more like a scientist or a philosopher, who is thrilled in developing the essence of the world, but with a more artistic way for expression and illustration. 

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