RAPS Assignment 2 Vizzie – Chenlan Yao

Link to the GitHub Gist:


Link to my screen grab video clip:


The resources given are all colorful pixel (a bit like Pac-man) with some dark background, so I began to thought about making something brighter. By the same time, I want to make the big smiley face fade in and out softly so that to make a great contrast between the sizes of the characters in two videos. In general, I want to create a kind of psychedelic feelings which shows something quite crazy and may make one feel dizzy, but also something moves smoothly, softly and slowly. As a person can easily get allergy from alcohol, this is what I might feel when I find small itchy pimples on my arms, which is also what I want to create through a visual way. 

I added the XFADR to make the smiley face fade in and out and created a HUSALIR to adjust the brightness. By adding TWIDDLR to both of them, the adjustment became easier. The ROTATR is also added in order to make the frame looks dizzier. 

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