RAPS Week 5 Gabriel Chi: Early Abstract Films

Write a two paragraph reflection on the motivation of the artist to make such a film and the actual process the artist used to create the it. Pay special attention to the presence or absence of any synesthetic relationships between the visuals and the sound.

Film: Oskar Fischinger “Allegretto”


When watching Allegretto, and many other Fischinger films, it becomes quite apparent the meticulous nature of his work, especially in the relationship between music and visuals. In Allegretto, every instrument has a visual counterpart, each corresponding to their sound and movement. For example, the staccato brass section appear quickly and almost aggressively with large diamonds, while the longer trumpet holds snake and droop around the screen. Every shape, blip and circle has a corresponding sound or instrument.

While other the artists that were shown in class took similar approaches, or completely abstract styles, I found that Fischinger was the one who adhered the most to musical structure, sound and tempo. Although sometimes it becomes visually cluttered, everything makes sense in the context of the music being played. I believe Fischinger’s intention was mainly to marry the two mediums of visual and auditory art, using classical music and visual animation as his foundation to create a new art form. 

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