RAPS Week 3 Gabriel Chi: Vizzie Assignment

Github Link: https://gist.github.com/gabrielchi/d0f8aa8f91e66ac0b1024b2b9851c60a

For my exercise, I wanted to completely distort the provided class video and combine them together to create a completely new visual. 

For my patch, I used 2 players, and 1 grabber, which I fed through several effects. For my player on the far right, I put it through fogger, which distorted the video to a grainy, pixelated version of the original. I also fed the grabber, which used my computer’s webcam video, into FRACTALIZR, which split up the webcam video horizontally and vertically. I tweaked the settings to make the webcam into multiple videos in a grid like pattern. I then put both videos into CHROMAKEYR, which combined both videos into one, which was fed into the MIXFADR, which control the combination between the first two videos and my last player. For the last player, I left it without any effects and fed it directly into the MIXFADR, which fed into a BRCOSR, where I could tweak the overall brightness, contrast and saturation of the overall videos. All of this was finally fed into the projector, which allowed me to see my visuals in realtime. 


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