NOC – Week 4: Forces – Jingyi Zhu (Jenny)

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Date: 03/12/2019

I did this week’s assignment based on last week’s idea and the lecture example. The balls are generated when the mouse is pressed. Forces in this “environment” are gravity, friction, drag force and wind. Gravity, drag force and wind are similar to the lecture example. The force of the wind is only applied when a key is pressed. I created three plates at random height in the upper part. Balls bump on either side of the plates and can sometimes jump from plate to plate. The three plates are completely frictionless and with different elasticity.

Dry friction is applied in the bottom part. I set the coefficient of friction to 0.4. When the force of the wind is smaller than the frictional force of a ball, the ball stays still and the magnitude of the friction is equal to the wind. Otherwise, the ball move and the magnitude of the friction remains the same as the frictional force.

I wasn’t able to figure out the relationship between the rotation of balls and the forces applied to the ball, so the balls slide rather than rotate. But I created the illusion of the balls rotating by rotating the inner ellipse.

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