Week 2: Research Presentations about applications with Machine Learning – Samantha Cui

Project name : OrCam Myeye 

Partner: Shenshen Lei

Presentation Slides: Here!

For this research, we decided to focus on the visual recognition technology I talked about last week. While doing research, we tried to focus on finding some projects designed to help people using this technology. Then it suddenly hit me, what if this technique could be used to help the visually impaired? Then we started focusing on this field and did some research. And we found a project called OrCam Myeye.

OrCam Myeye is a product designed to help the visually impaired people. the product is small. It’s wireless and it can be easily installed on the user’s glasses. Through visual recognization, the OrCam Myeye can detect where and what the user is looking and pointing. And then it would use a speaker to output what it saw. The visual recognization is a big step in helping the visually impaired. Since they have trouble seeing things, this would be their second pair of eyes.

While learning about this product, we found that there could be more improvement to this product so that it would be more convenient. One of the improvements we thought is that it could add a pupil tracking technique. So people won’t have to point but could just move their eyes. Other is that it could improve the distance of objects it detects. So people could ‘see’ a broader view.


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