MLNI: Week 5 Interactive Portraiture – Samantha Cui

For this week’s homework, I used bodyPix in p5 and created a project called “light”.

My idea for this project was, first, it would start off with a black background with nothing, once someone yelled, the background would suddenly appear in a yellow color and a hundred ellipses will show the shadow of the user. I was inspired by the sound control lamps I have in the hallways of my house. It was a common thing in our neighborhood were people just yell “a…” instead of clapping their hand to turn on the light. I thought it was very interesting.    

Through programming, I found that this was not an easy task because the audio input is very strict on using a local internet browser. It didn’ t work no matter how I tried. In the end, I had to change the interaction from audio to pressing a key. Since my plan failed to use a mic audio input, I thought I would just switch the background into continuing black and just change the color of the ellipse.   

Link to code

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