MLNI – Final Project Concept (Wei Wang | Cherry Cai)

Project Presentation

Teammate: Cherry Cai

  • Inspiration
wood marionette
wood marionette

Nowadays students/workers are under too much pressure bought by society. A lot of us are acting against our wish, like a marionette from the threads, arms dangling, floating at the mercy of the breeze. Some who tired of being cooped up struggled to free themselves from the control, but finally accepted their fate and submit to the pressure.

  • Interface

A wood marionette placed in the middle of the screen

  • Interaction
    1. Two control bars operating marionettes body segments orientations
    2. Based on the users control, a protest will be given out by the marionette. The effect will be triggered accordingly(e.g. voice, movements, etc.)
    3. Segments will be thrown away in an attempt to get out of control if the instruction is not followed.
    4. The segment will be regenerated with a string that could, again, be controlled by the bars.
  • Machine Learning

KNN classification to recognize the orientation of control bars

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