MLNI Final Project Proposal (Shenshen Lei)

For my final project, I will keep working on the  my midterm project: the immersive museum viewer. 

There are mainly four parts in my final project:

First of all, I will change the method of calculating the coordinate. Instead of using one variable, I will employ the vector which will indicated the angle of face and the ratio of the distance between two eyes and the nose. 

Secondly, I will add an distance sensor. The mechanism is to use the poseNet detect the distance between the user’s left and right eye. When the user move close to the camera, the distance increase, and then the background image will amplify and vice versa. 

Thirdly, I will add the audio guide and background music when the user navigate in the scene. 

Finally, there will be some interaction point. For example, when the user points at the thing, the introduction will jump out. 

The aim of my project is to create a complete immersive and keyboard free experience for the users.

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