MLNI – Case Study Week 1 (Sarah Tahir)

One thing that I found very interesting in this weeks readings and video is a quote Golan Levin referenced in his ted talk.  “The mouse is probably the narrowest straw you could try to suck all of human expression through” (Mountford). It stuck with me because the possibilities provided by new interfaces for digital art is what excites me the most. I think machine learning in a creative sense is just the practice of utilizing the full potential of the digital world as a medium.

In the Style of Klee by Parag Mital

Parag Mital  is a computational artist who uses film, eye-tracking, EEG, and fMRI recordings to build models of audiovisual perception. His artistic practice explores these models using generative collage processes. The video above is a great example of his work. He took real-time video filmed through a car window and used a machine learning model to transform it into the painting style of Paul Klee. This use of machine learning is really interesting because it takes the core idea behind the expressionist movement and puts into practice. Expressionism explores a solely subjective perspective of the world and distorts in order to evoke moods or ideas. With this project you are able to see that distortion in real time and in real spaces. You can see the moods pass in front of you.

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