MLNI Week 5 HW Tiger Li

To complete this assignment I had to completely understand what the demonstration code was doing. 

To decipher the parts of the code I don’t understand I had to resort to the fellows at the IMA lab. 

The main part, I did not understand about the body pix code was how the rectangles were displayed not by the X and Y value of the canvas but by the index generated from body pix using the camera. 

After figuring that out I was able to brainstorm more ideas on how to make an interesting game based on it. 

As I played around more with the code, I realized that the white rectangles from the original code over a black background are almost like a mouse cursor moving on a black screen. That’s when I had the idea of making a “searching “game.

The goal of the game is to let the users find a red dot using their hands. 

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