Final Proposal

  1. Adela Andea. Adela’s works are to take up space as much as possible. For Adela, her art is trying to deconstruct the clear delimitation line between reality and virtue reality. The two things that I want to learn from Adela’s works are the followings: first of all, I really enjoyed Adela’s use of color. There’s a tendency in her work of using vibrant colors. Besides, Adela’s works are a combination of colorful objects and lights. My project would also be combining hand made objects with the lights. Moreover, in Adela’s works, we could see the composition is quite interesting. The forms she combines lights and objects are fascinating.

Rebecca Louise Law. Rebecca’s works are about flowers. She made a huge installation with fresh flowers, and let them dry while in the exhibition. These flower installations somehow create a romantic sense. My project is also using bunches of flowers. I could learn from Rebecca on how to arrange all the flowers on a large scale.

My final project is inspired by a Korean song called, 봄날에 만나자, Let’s Meet When Spring Comes. This song is about the ambiguity between young lovers. Therefore, my final project would be an installation made from dry flowers and other objects. The aim of this project is to mimic the atmosphere of people falling in love when spring comes. It would be a series of hangings. My audiences were expected to walk through the hangings to experience the blossoming.  

It will look sort of like this:

It would be made from LED strips/ Neon strips, dry flowers or fresh flowers. Considering the creation of the installation. I would start with on strip. And then a pole of strips, and then add up to a collection of poles of strips.

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