Class 07: Future Trends

The Boring Company

Elon Musk’s company, The Boring Company, present a new vision of transportation. With America’s political anxiety as the backdrop, Musk has tapped into the public desire for top-down change. Many people feel the need for contemporary solutions to growing contemporary problems. In order to meet this need they have presented a radical reinvention of the transportation system. Musk proposes that the construction of underground transportation tunnels can drastically improve the average person’s travel experience. This solution hopes to reduce commute time and alleviate road congestion. Two other promises The Boring company makes is that the tunnel system will reduce noise and air pollution as well as have an expedited construction process.

The Boring Company Tunnel Types In order to meet various usage needs, the company markets three types of tunnels that are versatile in use. All three have specified usage however, all are able to be adapted according to particular needs.

While constructing my futures map I first tried to look within the scope of the probable and then I thought of a scenario that could simply fall within the possible.

Future Map

An interesting point Musk makes in his pitch is that with the transportation lines underground community would no longer have large highways, railways, etc. acting as borders. This could lead to a transformation of how we distinguish neighborhoods and communities. Additionally, it could bring two normally disparate communities to interact giving way to social cohesion. However, it could also mean a spike in conflict between social groups. I think in order to alleviate the pressure put on citizens by disappearing distinctions community leaders must actively show cohesion with other communities as well as present other aspects a community identity.

One way The Boring Company or city official could do this would be to commission local artists to design station markers. As an example, I made a poster that designates the Morgan St. station in Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn known for its street art. By incorporating unique elements of the location the community can feel a sense of belonging and as each station has a different aesthetic the transition between neighborhoods can feel seamless.

Station Marker


The Boring Company

The Boring Company: Event Webcast

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