Week 6: Empathy Workshop – Jennifer Cheung

The lego empathy exercise was a great way to practice collaborating with someone. It was difficult to figure out how the legos were stacked and how to describe them well to my partner, but in the end her legos were stacked very similarly to the original. Patience and communication was key to being able to effectively do this exercise. 

The following activities of designing our partners’ projects were great to be able to get out of our heads and see other people’s viewpoints. When Kennedy asked me about different aspects of my project, I realized that there were many things that I had not thought to account for. Hearing her opinions was very helpful in narrowing down what exactly my project was going to do. Asking about her project also gave me an idea of how much freedom there is in speculative design, since we can envision the future in whatever way we like.

Ideas for Kennedy’s project

The next step of researching for our partners got me thinking of new ways to approach her project. Sites I found gave me insight on different ways to incorporate Hawaii’s culture, resources, western influence, and future clean energy into a fashion editorial. With these in mind, I was able to come up with more aspects that Kennedy could address in her project. Overall, this activity was a great way of “peer reviewing” each others’ projects so that we got a second opinion of which routes we can take our projects.

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