MLNI Week 5 Interactive Portraiture HW (Jessica Chon)


For this assignment I decided to go back to one of my earlier homeworks and revamp it to make it more interactive. The portraiture is the user who blends in as part of nature. The head is supposed to be the sun, and the rest of the body is supposed to symbolize bushes. If the user raises their right hand, the hand turns into a cloud, the sun gets brighter, and the rest of the environment also. If the user raises the left hand, then the hand becomes the new sun and the rest of the body changes into a tree. 



Initially, what I had in mind was for the image to look like it’s raining and then the rain would stop if the user raised their left hand. However, I found that I was really enjoying changing the color and my friends who tried using my homework also had more fun seeing the color changes. 

Regarding how I changed the colors, I wrote code that said if the camera detects a certain  body part and if that body part is in a certain area within the screen, then change the colors. My code itself was just a lot of if, else statements and creating variables. 


I didn’t really have as much difficulty with this assignment compared to previous assignments. Rather, I still need more clarification on what the specific coding means such as what the segmentation and threshold does. But I did receive more clarification after having an office hour with Professor Moon and I will continue to do more research on my own time.

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