IML | Week 12: CycleGAN Training – Yufeng


For this week, I am training a CycleGAN model which transfers photographs to the style of Todd Hido, one of my favorite photographers.

Domain A

 For real life photographs, I used the Domain B from the ukiyoe2photo dataset. There are around 6300 images, which I probably should have trimmed down for faster training since the number is significantly larger than Domain B.

Domain B

The works of Hido has a mysterious and atmospheric vibe. I collected 400 photographs of him from a photographer community, including landscapes and portraits.


I am (still) training the model on my workstation with a GTX 1080. The estimated time of 100 epochs is 50 hours, so it should be done by the end of May 7th.

Here are some samples generated while training at epoch 20. There is clearly some fogs added into the transfer real photo.

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