iML Final Concept Documentation

Name: Yinmiao Li

Concept: Transfer human full body photo to stick figure style pictures.

  1. Reason to choose the topic:
    I have done a lot of sound-related projects in many courses, including this, so I want to try something else other than a sound project.
    I like the German comics Vater und Sohn (Father and Son) all the time. So I would want to do something like this comic style.
    From this book, I think about transfer human to this simplified drawing picture, and then stick figure.

    Also, many projects classify abstract ‘cartoonified’ photos into real objects’ photos. I was trying to do this in a reverse way. 
  2. Related Project: “Cartoonify”, “Scribbling Speech”, “Draw it”
  3. Methods Used: Try with style transfer and CycleGAN with google’s dataset Quick Draw. If the results are bad, changed to image classification and feature extraction. Also, PoseNet for the body movement.
  4. Expectation: Webcam capture or load full body photos, and transfer to stick figure style. If time allowed, connect with a small printer made by Arduino or Raspberry pie, and print the stick figure out. Adding some text comments by machine according to the actions of the stick figure will also be fine, but this part depend on time.

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