Case Study – Magenta

Magenta is a research project developed by Google AI aims to use Machine Learning as a tool in the creative industry. 

It’s powered by TensorFlow and has a JavaScript API called Magenta.js. Here is its website:, which shows how they used Magenta to generate music and create sketches. I found one project which was very interesting: Draw Together with a Neural Network .

It allows you to create sketches together with an AI. It has several models. Once you choose one, you only need to draw part of the figure and the AI will help you finish the rest of it. 

If you are wondering how they achieve this, you can check out this website , it describes how they taught the machine to draw using a neural network called sketch-run. The dataset they used to train this neural network was from Quick Draw. They collected this huge dataset by asking users to play their game and recorded their sketches.


By combing both the human intelligence and machine learning technique, this project may provide a new way of creating art works in the future. 

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