Week 09 – Style Transfer Exercise – Alison Frank

***I am still working on training the model and will update this documentation once complete***

For my style image, I chose the following piece by Josef Albers due to its geometric qualities and  variations in color. I feel that combining this with another image would create an interesting result and I wanted to see how the model would interpret this input image. Along with this, I feel that this image has a very specific style to it which would make it very distinguishable once transferred.

While trying to train the model, I ran into many issues. Most of the errors I received were due to me not changing the directory path in the train.sh file, but after this was fixed I received another error:

error file result

After conversing with Aven, I found out that the training image set was not unzipped and downloaded properly.  Currently,  I am trying to properly download the training set and will try again to train the model, at which point I will update this documentation to reflect changes.

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