VR/AR Week 2 Post – Guangyu Wu

1.  Response to  16 Lessons for a VR-First Future From ‘Ready Player One’

AGREE: 12. VR platforms should put in safe guards for managing physical health into future systems

VR can be addictive and immersive: Addiction to VR and subsequent long-time usage might cause stress on users’ eyes. Immersion means that users cannot see their environment and their body movement is likely to be confined to a small, room-size space. Thus, adding health management is important.

DISAGREE: 5. Virtual Schools will democratize high quality education to the world 

Internet-based learning such as MOOCs have proven to be moderately successful in democratizing high quality education, but current VR doesn’t seem to solve the “lack of interaction” problem in Internet-based learning and it’s more costly. Thus, I think the benefits doesn’t justify the costs of going from 2D to 3D.

2. Three VR experiences:

Lucid Space Dreams(Oculus Go), Jurassic Park (Oculus Go), Boxing Game (Vive).  Along with other youtube experiences.

3. Short review of Kevin Kelly’s article AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform—Call It Mirrorworld

In this encyclopedic article, the author compares AR to the web and social media and reveals AR’s potential to create a dynamic platform that further connects the digital world with the physical world. The author also discusses the “reflexive recoil ” that many people have towards new and unknown technology such as AR, and I believe the author is right in pointing out that the only way to understand the impact of AR is by immersing ourselves in it and embrace the “mirrorworld”.

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