Week 5: Interactive Portriture – Eszter Vigh

Week 5 I was inspired by the style of the in class code and decided to cycle through the symbols on my keyboard, also experimenting with Chinese characters to see if they also work within the symbols. 

Body Pix

Using BodyPix is really interesting since you have to think about all the body parts as segments as opposed to X,Y coordinates. In my case I made a right hand wave yield one result and a left hand wave to yield another. There was also a base state with the symbols. 


The base state is the same as in the class example.

Interesting Error to Note here is that when launching heavy files in the draw function, atom-live-server will actually crash! It’s kind of terrifying because the camera will work live, but the console will be blank regardless of console.log. 

Final Product:


What this is… 4 separate character sets are used to represent the lightness and darkness of the image. The detection is the two sides of the face, and the left and right hand. It preserves the entire theme and feeling of the original sample while also conveying the bodypix abilities.

Interesting things I learned: 

  • Putting the function outside of draw makes the actually identification of images faster, however drawing lags behind as the image is not updated frame by frame.
  • Putting the functions in draw makes the updating/realization of changed information slower, but the drawing of the image is faster, which is what the user sees. 
  • I also made the grid size larger to make the text more clear (especially the characters) 

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