MLNI- Final Project Proposal- Eszter Vigh

I went to a workshop held by Konrad. At first, I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do for my final. It’s one thing to say, “Oh, I’ll just continue to work on my midterm”, but in practice it doesn’t always work like that.

I was disappointed with my midterm, it wasn’t nearly as polished as I wanted it to be when it came to presenting it. I think after that project, quite honestly I am in a creative slump with little motivation to do anything. When it comes to this class… I couldn’t think of anything I really felt connected to, or motivated even to explore for a final. 

I knew what I wanted to do for CDV and AI ARTS almost instantly… and this final for whatever reason is just not coming to me. The closest I have come to inspiration is this new form of floral art. 

It felt more delicate, more me. I think I just need to rework my midterm completely. Maybe these floral creations are on joint points, accessible through PoseNet… I like the idea of a completely white background and maybe sound input changes the hue of the florals. I feel like I need to use KNN to get top marks, but it doesn’t make sense to use it unless I am changing the florals’ hue based on pose. 

The poses could correlate to something…  secret. I had done my KNN homework, semi-successfully on Southern Chinese Sign Language. What if certain poses… correlated to cancer ribbons. (Way to go Eszter, another morbid topic!). It’s subtle. As you can see, the design I have right now has the vibe of water color flowers. 

Cancer Ribbons

You practically have the entire rainbow here. The project can just be a case of practicing anatomy and training a rather complex KNN. It’s just a delicate education tool. I could print little cards with this same information, I know the school prints business cards, why not print the ribbons on it too, just as a small reminder. 

At the end of the day, I want to create something really beautiful and delicate, still based off my midterm, but more polished. The last thing I want is for anyone to think of this as just another snapchat filter.  I don’t want to target my  work at children, I really want to target this project for users that are older, looking for a more refined way to educate. 

(What you see above, is my entire thought process trying to develop this idea. I literally had no idea what I wanted to do when I sat down to write this post. Amazing how looking through my p5 library and thinking through my past assignments changed that).

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