AI ARTS- Week 12- Final Proposal- Eszter Vigh

How Users Think of AI

I went back to the drawing board with this idea SO many times. It took visiting McaM to really get an idea solidified. I’ve been working towards that idea since that field trip last Saturday. 

So what’s the big idea? 

It’s an AI Chat Bot. But what I want to do with it… is kind of cool. I want to ask users afterwards to provide feedback on it. So, the core of my project is to have a chat bot that is as human as I can make it (using a Google API).

NOW… here is my big issue. I don’t want to collect the chat history or any data really from the users. Rather, I just want user-tester feedback. The google API unfortunately, “By default, bots can only read the basic identity of users that invoke them. This information includes the user’s display name, user ID, email address, and avatar image.” I don’t even want that. 

So, I may end up using a slightly different API. I found this tutorial, and I think it will honestly be better.

This tutorial requires my own data. I’m going to do some experimentation and research on what other AI conversation bots use as their training data and then maybe include some of my own Eszter-isms. What I still really need to narrow down based on this blog post I found, is what the purpose of my AI chat bot is. Do I just want to make it an all-around bot and have users find out what doesn’t work? Like… try to see the limit of knowledge the bot has? 

This is a potential hypothesis

That would be cool. (At least, I think it would be). For the User Test survey I want to ask the following questions:

  1. How human is this Chat Bot ? (Scale 0-5, Five = Practically Human, Zero= Obviously Coded Computer)
  2. What did you find most human about the chat bot?
  3. How un-human is this Chat Bot ? (Scale 0-5, Five = Undeniably a Computer, Zero= Human)
  4. What did you find most un-human about the chat bot?
  5. Would you feel comfortable using this Chat Bot again? Why or why not?

I want to set up a computer in the IMA lab with my experiment with a little survey collection box. I plan on shredding all of the survey results after to maintain privacy of the users. The goal is make this fully anonymous and voluntary. 

My hypothesis for this project is that most users will feel uncomfortable using the chat bot because of the same logic they use to reason through not signing up for the face-scanner to get into the building. I think they will view this user testing session will reveal some conflicts between human and machine. 

The design of the chatbot will be super simple, very basic chat room-esque is what I am going for. 

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