Week 2: Map Assignment (Chen)- Ashley Zhu

The map that I created is “A Foodie’s Guide of Shanghai”, along with some of my favorite food places. On the weekends, I love going out to brunch with my friends and really see Shanghai in a different light. Since I am a foodie, I love exploring new places and finding new restaurants and cafes to try out. Luckily, Shanghai is an enormous city full of delicious food and coffee. On my map, I drew the different areas that I have been to and recommend for others to try as well. For example, one of my favorite cafes is Rac Coffee, which is located in Puxi. I did not include a legend on my map since the map is pretty self-explanatory and I included names of recognizable attractions to better understand the exact locations. I also drew out some roads and buildings to provide a clear guide as to where things are. I would like to update my map once in a while, of the new foods that I tried out, and maybe it will become a foodie’s guide to delicious Shanghai food. I drew everything in pen first and then colored it in with my colored pens and highlighter since I wanted to keep the aesthetics minimal and easy on the eye. I also included doodles of food at each location to better ‘explain’ the specialties. For example, I drew an ice cream cone next to Zaku Zaku, since it is a creamery. Overall, my map is a detailed representation of my observations of the good food places in Shanghai.

Doc Feb 19, 2019, 16_39

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