CPD | Digital Mapping | Ashley Friedland

For this project, I wanted to map out the Sea Pen data from MARCOS. I downloaded their data and took a few of the locations from it to put into my code. I based my code off of Leon’s workshop. I took the code he made with us, copied it into a new p5.js project, and typed in the new longitude and latitude. But for some reason, the Sea Pen data wasn’t showing up. I tweaked the code in different ways to see what was showing up. It would only show the first one, and sometimes first two, and then wouldn’t show the others. I’m thinking there is a small typo or incorrect calling in the code that I can’t find. I decided not to upload the whole JSON file to the project, because the sets of brackets and braces were so dense, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to correctly call the data I wanted. 

This is the code I currently have: https://editor.p5js.org/ashleyfriedland/sketches/fCuTAgYQt

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