Lab: Physical Implementation of Braitenberg Vehicles



Since we have two people, Kennedy and I decided to build Attractive and Repulsive. Attractive is a creature that moves forward when it receives a light signal, and Repulsive is a slow creature that continuously moves forward. We used Radio function and light sensor on Microbit for the signal communication.


For Attractive:
    Initial: keep still
    When lightness is bigger than 6: move and send a signal
    Else: keep still

For Repulsive:
    Initial: move with LED turning around
    When receives a signal: stop
    Else: keep moving

I deleted all of the code by accident 🙁 

Video documentation:




My drawing:


My inspiration is a robot called HEXA. It’s a programmable, highly maneuverable robot. One interesting application of this robot is to carry plants around to make sure they have enough sunshine. Our Attractive and Repulsive robots reminded me of Tom and Jerry. So I found this chasing behavior is really interesting. I imagine there will be a “cat” robot to catch rats.


Our robots were able to chase, but they can’t avoid the obstacles. So we added the avoiding obstacles functions to the robots. It took us a while. And it’s hard for Repulsive to do detect obstacles because the distance sensor keeps moving around.


We followed the descriptions in the essay and made it more complicated. But one thing we gave up is to locate Attractive robot. The two robots move around randomly and detect each other when they are in certain ranges.  If we want to make them look like the real “Tom and Jerry”, we need to figure out how to locate them.

One Reply to “Lab: Physical Implementation of Braitenberg Vehicles”

  1. I like the way you guys chose to use two robots. I am wondering how repulsive new that attractive was behind it since the ultrasound sensor is in the front. Did you add another sensor in the back? This seemed like a very difficult vehicle/creature and I think it is impressive that you guys accomplished it

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