Biology Observation


We injected C02 to immobilize flies. Once they were all temporarily immobilized, we moved them to the fly pad and observed gender with a microscope. Then we selected 16 males for two types, put each fly into vials with food, and covered the vials with cotton, labeled them and put them into the monitor.


The interpretation rule:

Column 1. Index at reading (from 1)
Column 2. Date of reading
Column 3. Time of reading. Please start from line 13. 16:00:00. From this time on all monitors are read once every hour.
Column 4. Monitor status. 1= valid data received.
Column 5 to 10 are not used in this experiment.
Column 11. Channel 1
Column 12. Channel 2

Column 42. Channel 32.


It’s interesting to experiment and observe fly behavior. For our experiments, most flies followed the circadian rhythm. Some flies didn’t follow the circadian rhythm might due to the death caused by our mistakes during the experiments.  

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