Our “client” is a deaf Chinese man who also, due to a brain injury, has troubles using his left arm. He knows how to write and speak Chinese (both characters and pinyin), even though he sometimes cannot recognize hard characters. He enjoys using his computer to play video games and watch tv shows. He also is someone who uses the dictionary a lot to look up words he does not understand and knows how to navigate internet very well.
He went to a special school in which he learned how to sign and developed his education.
Because my team and I had trouble communicating with him, we thought we could make that process easier. We are thus using a drawing tablet for him to be able to write down to people what he wants to say. In addition to that, we are sticking a voice recorder to the tablet so that when in need, he can touch a button and that recorder notifies people that he is deaf and that they need to write down what they want to say for him to understand. Because he has trouble using his left side, we are thinking of attaching the tablet-recorder to a belt around his waist. We still are looking for a way to make the tablet move just like the tables in the airplanes (because his writing will be facing him and not the public it might be hard for others to understand what he’s writing).